5 Reasons Why we can’t wait for Ubuntu for Android

We’ve been continuously refreshing Ubuntu’s website hoping for a glimpse of when we’ll be able to get our hands on their Android offering. And this is why…

They’re basically stating the obvious. We continuously find ourselves working via our phones. Duplicating apps, settings, files and shifting conversations across our devices as we move around. Now as the processing power of mobile phones is ever increasing, they’ve given us the ability to run our desktops from our phone.

We love the idea and this is why:

1) It lets us carry all our apps and docs in one device
Ofcourse we’d still use Dropbox and other syncing apps for remote backups. Wouldn’t want to drop the entire computer in the urinals now would we?

2) We can access mobile apps from the desktop environment.
This should include mobile only apps like instagram and whatsapp
(Don’t even get us started on whatsapp, no desktop offering, really… REALLY!?)

3) Answer phone calls and reach phone contacts via desktop
Answering calls and skype from the same device as we work. Sounds awesome to us.

4) Flexible offices for work-groups
If you find yourself working in different teams every few months, offices can be quickly shifted around by just changing which dock you plug into. Win!

5) It’s one device. One set of settings.
One wifi login, one bluetooth sync, etc

So now we wait… as patiently as possible. In the meantime, click here for find out more about Ubuntu for Android or watch the video below:

What do you think? Will you want to carry your computer in your pocket?

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