Refactoring our Woocommerce to Intercom syncing plugin

We haven’t pushed out any major updates to the ektagon Woocommerce to Intercom (eWI) plugin for a few weeks and we wanted to quick explain why.

The plugin has rapidly evolved from just syncing checkout information; to creating a live-sync of all customer data/events; to enabling the bulk-syncing of customer data into Intercom’s CRM-like system. This rapid evolution lead to code that worked but could be a lot more efficient and easier to maintain.

For that reason, we’ve been refactoring the code and rebuilding the way each of the different pieces* work together.

Ofcourse we have been, and will continue to be, available to support our customers whilst we finish testing/polishing of v0.9.0.

This version will also make it easier for us to add the additional functionality we’ve been working on (such as toggles/settings for all events, automatic updates and switching to OAuth), and we appreciate your patience as we get this necessary update done.

On a side note, we’re aiming to release the eWI Multi-Store Addon by the end of April to enable one Intercom account to track events/customers across multiple stores. But more on that a little later.

Thanks for being so awesome!

*ie the different sets of built-in functionality like Core Woocommerce syncing; Woocommerce Subscriptions syncing; Bulk customer/purchase syncing; and the increasingly popular Bespoke Attribute syncing


  1. Awesome! Keep up the good work, looking forward to the updates, and I think Intercom is requiring OAuth now, so hopefully it’s coming soon =)

    1. Thanks Michael! We are working on OAuth as quickly as possible, just that this refactoring needed to be done first in order to ensure a smoother transition 🙂

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New Jersey, USA