Facebook adds ‘Go to friend’s timeline’ to chat

It’s not a big update, but we saw that Facebook has added a little gem to their chat system. Hovering over a friend’s name now displays a new button to go directly to their timeline. Well done Facebook, and thanks for listening to your users’ ideas!

Multiple open chat windows on Facebook, bug or feature?

We noticed that more than one chat window was staying open for some of us yesterday… this we assumed was a bug due to the way Facebook’s chat used to mess up in the past. We then noticed that all the conversations continued to work as expected. This made us realise that it hadn’t crashed, […]

Facebook Chat: Choose who sees you online

We’ve often heard of people disabling the whole Facebook chat service because they don’t like to let everyone of their friends seeing that they’re online. This might be even more necessary during exam, work, or quiet time. You may not want the whole of your social circle being able to talk to you, but allow […]

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New Jersey, USA