WeLoveGuaba reached 1,570,270 BSS

We are proud to release the results of the WeLoveGuaba campaign for our friends at Guaba Beach Bar. The campaign used our LikePix platform and returned a massive return on investment in attracting 34,164 visits that spanned over 190,473 branded page-views. As usual we analyse our platform’s reach by calculating it’s Blue Social Spots… This […]

WeLoveGuaba Top 10 will now ALL win prizes

Having watched how competitive the WeLoveGuaba.com platform is getting, it has been decided to award prizes to everyone who finishes in the top 10 at the closing of the competition. In addition to the top spot taking €300 worth of drink vouchers at Guaba Beach Bar, the top 10 photos will also grab the users […]

Getting a Cypriot charity 743,600 Blue Social Spots

From 11th of February till the 25th of March (2011) we ran the online competition for S7SCharity on our very own LikePix platform. (See the project details in our porfolio listing.) This article explains how the platform got the S7S Charity appeal almost a quarter of a million Blue Social Spots. We should probably start […]

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New Jersey, USA