Syncing Guest checkouts from Woocommerce to Intercom

We released the Woocommerce to Intercom syncing plugin because we believe that woocommerce store owners want to give their customers an awesome experience with superb support and powerful automatated messages via Intercom.

Over the last 12 months the eWI plugin has been used to sync registered customer’s data and events from woocommerce sites around the world, right into Intercom. This data has been leveraged to provide superb customer support and fine-tweak Intercom’s automated messaging engine.

From today, the plugin also syncs events & data for guest actions and checkouts, so that this power can be unlocked by even more store owners around the world, not just those who require that customers sign up at checkout.

How do I set up guest events and checkout syncing ?


  1. Download or buy the latest version of the eWI plugin and get it installed on your site.
  2. Pop over to the plugin settings page
    ( Woocommerce => Settings => Integration => Intercom Integration)
  3. Make sure the “Insert JS Footer” checkbox is turned on. See Note 1
  4. Check the “Sync Guest Events” checkbox and save the settings.


Other features changes in this version


  • An option has been added for syncing wordpress usernames as custom attributes.
  • Loading time for AJAX/inline syncing triggers has been almost halved.


Notes to keep in mind with this release.


  1. The guest syncing functionality relies on the Intercom widget being initialised for all site visitors. Whilst you can use the official Intercom for WordPress plugin, a few users have found that conflicts can cause duplicate users to be created. Our JS footer is the same as the other plugin’s, however we base syncing on user_id’s and emails, as oppose to just emails.
  2. The guest syncing functionality will turn visitors who visit product pages or trigger events into leads. This can lead to a tonne of leads being generated on your Intercom accounts for high traffic sites. Please keep an eye on this and prune old leads that didn’t convert. We have already begun looking into automating this.


Don’t miss an update

Be sure to follow us @ektagon for the latest updates and urgent notices. We often tease new features via that account, looong before we announce them on the official channels.


  1. wahoo! We’ve been very excited to hear this features is coming, and it’s finally here. Congratulations on all the work that went into this.
    Many thanks for a great plugin and continued updates!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Grant! I truly hope we’ll keep impressing you and helping you connect with your customers in insightful and exciting ways.

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New Jersey, USA