It has come to our attention, once again, that many people have questions about the results of our popular online Hottest OnThisIsland competition (HOTI).
It is for that reason we have decided, in parallel with the silent opening of registrations for the 2011 competition, that we will disclose how the voting on HOTI worked.
There is only one system administrator with access to the vote logs, and these have never been opened to anyone except an auditor who validated that the logs matched the count generated by the program that aggregates the results. We are not only after an honest result, with zero-tolerance of cheating, but also want to protect the privacy of user’s votes.
This process is done for both the nominations and the final rounds, with only the Director of Ektagon, who happened to be the sole owner of the site, ever had the list of winners before the final event.
The voting system is adjusted every year in order to ensure that the voting fairer, thus giving each contestant a fair chance to being nominated or winning the competition. Previously we have forced users to log in via Facebook to vote, we then rebuilt the nomination system so that we had a fairer result for the final round last year.
Stand by for news on how exactly we have changed this year’s voting system, which will be announced just before the Voting opens for 2011 in July.
As usual, if you dispute this or have any questions, feel free to drop a comment below or ask us on either the dark blue or light blue social networks.