PSA: Removing “<=> CRAZY!” worm from Facebook

Over the last two days we’ve seen a rapidly spreading worm take over a number of Facebook accounts. What is it? The worm gets activated by clicking on a link to a video that ‘appears to be on facebook’ (please see how to spot a virus/scam page). By trying to watch a video it installs […]

Why these Facebook voucher scams are so dangerous.

Ok, so once again, another of these Facebook scams are doing their rounds. This time they use ASOS and tout a voucher of varying values. We’re seeing a spike in UK, Cyprus and Greek based victims. Being as it’s a new year we figured we’d take a few minutes to warn you about why sometimes […]

How to remove MyBizCard and stop annoying your LinkedIn contacts

We’ve seen many many many, well too damn many, messages and complaints about the way spams people’s contacts on LinkedIn. Whilst I haven’t used the service, and cannot vouch for it’s usefulness, I can provide the information you may need to get rid of it, you know, if you want to: 1) Click ‘Settings‘ […]

New Anorexia Made her a Freak Facebook Scam Tricks Hundreds

Those sneaky little scammers are at it again, with hundreds of young ladies falling for the trick. They first bait them in with a shared comment along the lines of: Once clicked you are met with what appears to be a faded out ‘Youtube’ Page. In order to continue you must ‘prove you are a […]

How to spot an online scam quickly

Many many many many many many (yes, that many, if not more) people around the world have fallen for scams on social networks. These scams promise discounts, prizes and gifts from many popular brands but instead steal personal information and use your friend’s sense of security to spread to your friends and family. So, how […]

WARNING: Amazon Giftcard Giveaway is a SCAM!

We’ve just spotted another rogue Facebook Scam promising a Free Amazing Giftcard. Advice: Always check the domain of the promotional offer as this is a free host and thus is not a true Amazon campaign. Please warn your friends that this has been reported as a rogue malware scam that posts to your account trying […]

‘Justin Bieber found dead’ hoax explained.

Clever trick makes SPAM look ‘trustable’ Spammers have found an uncontrolled redirect on the BBC website and are using it to spread a hoax about the death of Justin Bieber. The link points to the following domain :[hostile-website-url] which was presenting the link as a BBC web-story. The story is false, and is a […]

The ‘exciting’ roller coaster spam-scam!

This spam-scam tries to convince you that it’s a legitimate video but then spreads the site via your Facebook wall…. using the ‘verification’ text as a ‘comment’. Why is this a dead give-away? Have a read, so that you can avoid falling for future spam-scams! 1) YouTube is ALWAYS found at and not at […]

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New Jersey, USA